
Date: April 09, 2013

Frequently asked questions about KIND HEARTED WOMAN

Here are some frequently asked questions we've gotten from viewers since the premiere of KIND HEARTED WOMAN. Feel free to send us an email if you'd like to know more about the film.

How are Robin and her family doing? What are they up to now?

Robin, Darian and Anthony are all doing well. For deleted scenes from the film and video updates on Robin and the kids, please visit here. Robin also penned a letter explaining how she’s doing now. Finally, Frontline and Independent Lens prepared their own list of frequently asked questions, which can be found here.

How can I use Kind Hearted Woman for outreach in my community?

If you are interested in using the film for outreach, education and engagement in your community, please visit here for more information about organizing a screening.

Does Robin still do speaking engagements?

Yes, Robin still does speaking engagements and presentations. If you are interested, please contact us and we will pass along your request to Robin.

What resources are available for survivors of abuse?

There are many resources available for survivors of abuse. Independent Lens and Frontline have compiled a list.

Who sings the song at the end of Part 1, and what is it called?

At the end of part 1, Robin is singing along to "Thank You Momma" by Bobbi Rae Sage Ranger. You can connect with Bobbi on Facebook and Twitter to stay informed on whether she releases a copy of it on mp3 or YouTube. We will also post news & updates here if a digital version is released.

For information on all of the music used in Kind Hearted Woman, please visit the "The Making Of" section on the Kind Hearted Woman page. The full lyrics to “Thank You Momma” can also be found there.

Where can I buy a DVD of Kind Hearted Woman?

DVDs of Kind Hearted Woman can be ordered through PBS Home Video.

Is there a way to help Robin and her family?

Many viewers have expressed interest in helping out Robin and her family. A fund has been set up in the care of a local bank:

Robin Poor Bear fund
c/o Bremer Bank
345 4th Avenue
International Falls, MN 56649
